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How To Hire
For all hires, a hire fee + security bond is required to secure your booking. Ths security bond is refunded within 24 hours of rental return, provided the dress is not damaged or stained. Please read the T&C’s on our website for further details.
Steps to Hire:
Browse our range of dresses and find the dress you would like to hire in your size.
Contact us via social media channels, email or using the contact page to see if the dress is available for your event date
Once the hire dates are confirmed with us, book a try on to ensure correct fit of the dress (optional but recommended)
When you are ready to book, you can either do this in person at your try on appointment, or simply come back to the product page on the website and go through the booking and payment process to secure your dress.
As you proceed through checkout you will be prompted to select either pick/drop off or express post. Express post includes a prepaid return satchel, so that you can easily return the dress following your rental period. The standard rental period is 4 days. If pick up is chosen, you will be contacted following payment to organise a pick up and return time/date prior to your event.
Please note: professional cleaning is included in your hire fee. Do not attempt to clean your hire garment under any circumstances. This will forfeit your bond and may result in further costs to you if the dress is damaged or irreparable.
In the unlikely event that a hire garment is not returned by the agreed upon return date, you will incur a late fee of $25 for each day you retain the garment.